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What if I told you that the real secrets to business growth and success had more to do with farming than anything else?

What if building a bond with someone while using your roladex could lead to real growth?

All the focus on viral marketing or social media would put your mind to rest. Let me explain.

True success comes from your ability to build relationships

The thing about living and working on earth is that you will experience life as the human bean.

That’s a reference from The BFG in case you missed it. But we’re all people, and to be successful in the realest, truest form means getting good at relationships is essential.

We’re not operating on islands where punching digits into a computer never interface with another human being.

Even if you work in an industry that is primarily digital, there has to be a person (or people) buying the services, products, and work that you do.

Since people are what makes business work, our ability to connect, communicate, and build relationships determine whether we grow what we plant or end up with the bitter dust of lost opportunities.

How One Conversation Changed The Success Dialogue

seth godin music marketing growth farming

Seth Godin

The concept of Growth Farming began with a conversation I had with one of my biggest heroes: Seth Godin.

He joined me in a ground-breaking and thought-provoking conversation on The DIY Artist Route Podcast in 2016.

In just under 17 minutes Seth distilled some of the greatest wisdom available on how to grow and become the successful people we dream of being.

That conversation with Seth led to a personal and professional exploration into relationship-building.

From the context of planting seeds, nurturing them into plants, and harvesting their output.

Then repeat the process, and expand the territory

It’s the work of a farmer. These principles come from my own personal stories, observations of friends and colleagues, and wisdom shared along the path towards success.

From here I’ve spent the better part of the past two years exploring how success works. I’ve read books, listened to podcasts, watched videos, and talked with innovators on this very massive subject.

The consensus is pretty clear: the heart of winning in business and in life lies in the bonds we build with people.

That’s why business icons talk about marketing and networking so much.

It’s also why social media is such a huge part of every creative person’s growth strategy (let alone it being a part of every human with a mobile device’s regular life).

roladex growth farming d grant smith

Human connection is the key to success, no matter who you are

But so many people are devoting their interactions to self-talk, self-promotion, and actions that work against their best interests.

Creatives and entrepreneurs alike treat their relationships more like a 30-second microwave meal. Instead of a garden of fruits, vegetables, and herbs that provide a healthy, balanced, and life-long supply.

Hence Growth Farming as a relationship gardening metaphor is such a powerful concept. It’s so perfect because it’s so accurate.

What you’re going to find in everything I tag as Growth Farming is specific actions, methods, and philosophies that help you start, build, grow, and cultivate powerful relationships with people to succeed.

It really is who you know that determines how much you win. AND it’s also how well they know you back that determines the ongoing benefits of that connection.

Make Growth Farming Work For You

Since that conversation, I changed the focus and format of The DIY Artist Route Podcast, where several of fellow trekkers have built their brands (and success) around relationship building too. And they share their secrets with you with practical steps to take.

I’ve also created The Growth Farming Podcast, which dives deeper into the realm of relationship building, personal development, and the journey of Love.

You have to plant the seeds to make success happen. If you will take these insights, stories, and principles to heart, you’ll grow a vibrant connection with the people in your world.

Take action if you want to really grow. Seriously!

You can take action by downloading  The Growth Farming Method For Success ebook, totally free and packed with essential tools to help you grow for success today. Get it here.



d grant smith self-love teacher coach empowerment superheroAuthor Bio: Hi, I’m D Grant Smith, the Relationship Growth Farmer.

Professionally I help people grow in confidence, have healthy and strong relationships, and heal from heartbreak to attract True Love.

Grow more in what I’ve presented here with deeper teachings on what real Love is in this free masterclass.