by D Grant Smith | Jun 15, 2015 | Blog, Growth Farming, Indie Music Resources
Growth. Benefit. Increase ___(fill in the blank)__. These are what we want with our lives, our projects, our work, and our connections. Often though, growth means reaching outside of our social circles and into uncharted (or unknown) territory. This new world is where...
by D Grant Smith | Jun 11, 2015 | Blog, DIY Artist Route Podcast, Indie Music Resources
Don’t you love how an experience can teach you things you didn’t exactly ask for, all in a good way? I find myself here a lot, but only when I’m conscious of it. Sometimes that experience is watching a movie, or reading a book, or even having a...
by D Grant Smith | Jun 8, 2015 | Blog, Indie Music Resources
There’s an old saying “Time waits for no one.” Sages and zen masters have used this for centuries to move their nations forward. We all try and convince ourselves that we have plenty of time to do something on our goal list, or worse to start doing...
by D Grant Smith | May 19, 2015 | Blog
“Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.” -W. Moore The older I get the more I look back at the recent and distant past. In some of these reflective times I’m very thankful that things have turned out better than I hoped or...
by D Grant Smith | May 12, 2015 | Blog, Indie Music Resources
Most of us want answers to the problems we face, and sometimes we look to people who claim to have a magic wand that can be waived over us and our dreams come true. Tell me if this sounds familiar: Reach 7 Figures Income With Our Free Guide Gain 100,000 Twitter...
by D Grant Smith | Apr 20, 2015 | Blog, Indie Music Resources
Jerry Seinfeld is quite a character. The stand-up comedic icon who changed network TV success with “a show about nothing” has also pioneered another brand of media stardom: the online video platform. Seinfeld’s hit Crackle series Comedians In Cars...
by D Grant Smith | Apr 13, 2015 | Blog, Indie Music Resources
Our failure to communicate well with each other leads to relationship breakdowns in every circle we are in: Roommate Families Spouse/Significant Other Co-worker/Employer Associates/Colleagues Band Member/Producer Musicians should key in on the last listed category....
by D Grant Smith | Apr 6, 2015 | Blog, Indie Music Resources
Honestly one thing I’ve struggled with for a long time is admitting my mistakes. The fear is that if I show chinks in my armor, I’ll be less appealing and less trusted by the people I want to help. But the truth is, without revealing my errors and mistakes...
by D Grant Smith | Mar 30, 2015 | Blog, Indie Music Resources
As I get older, I realize that my preferences for music enjoyment have shifted. I’m not just talking about a changing attitude towards certain genres but also the way music impacts me. Strangely enough, an old friend from college posted something similar on his...
by D Grant Smith | Mar 16, 2015 | Blog, Indie Music Resources
The easiest way to see where to apply insights learned, or to know exactly where to put your focus on achieving the success you want is to narrow down your choices. There are an endless amount of individual ways you can improve and grow at any given time. The 10 Ways...