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Welcome to the blog of:

D Grant Smith

I help people, just like you, foster transformational happiness by beginning with the most important relationship you have: The Relationship With Yourself!

What Will You Find Here?

Read on to learn about my philosophies and how they can transform your life

This is a Place to Put Your Personal Growth First.

Here you will discover how to grow amazing relationships…

…full of Love, happiness, and bliss while also standing in your power and strengthening your connection with yourself and your spirituality.

And to become the ‘farmer’ of your inner garden…

…the single step you must take to discover how to go from people’s marionette to someone who gets into healthy relationships that can last a lifetime…

Is to learn that LOVE is already inside of you.

You need to learn how to farm it through your inner garden.

Let’s Transform You From the Inside Out; One Story at a Time

This blog houses my best writing; to help you learn practical techniques for inner peace.

My most effective ways to grow in confidence, heal from emotional issues, and level up in life with tons of resources in my blog covering a variety of mindset, love, relationship growth, and related topics.

Most of us, including you, have been programmed to seek love and validation from others like a cat seeks your attention.

And maybe you’ve struggled with People-Pleasing patterns that have kept you from being confident, at peace, and in healthy relationships.

But you’re not alone in this journey…

Thousands of others just like you have built codependency in relationships, and that’s because they believed that LOVE, acceptance, and feeling complete comes from an outside force.

And when you think like that, there’s no other choice but to seek validation and to try and prove your worthiness.

Hoping that one day, a lucky star will appear on a clear night sky and someone will find value in who you are.

But they have this behavior for one BIG reason: They don’t LOVE themselves enough.

And because you’re reading this, I am 98% sure that you’ve been through one of those terrifying experiences at least once in your life.

And that’s why I am so passionate about storytelling, and writing; I’ve built this blog, to help people who struggle with not Loving themselves fully, leading to low confidence, struggles in relationships, and even difficulties in your spiritual journey.

Want More For Your Growth?

Head over to where you will find…

…all my best stories, courses, coaching and a transformational community that is exists to support you on your own journey of spiritual and personal growth.

You will learn directly from me in how to implement the cornerstones of love into your life and relationships including confidence, inner peace, self-Love essentials, kindness, forgiveness and more.

Plus be inspired, educated, uplifted, and informed by revolutionary and powerful original short stories, weekly trainings, and much more.

To give you even a bigger boost, I built a membership site called which includes the best tools, the most effective methods, and my personal help, to heal the emotional and psychological wounds and empower your spirit.

Now, my friend, you’re in a garden here, we are all in this together. We will all learn how to grow LOVE and peace from within through a process called Growth Farming.

It’s what I teach my Growth Farming community members through powerful and practical courses and transformational short stories.

And in the courses, I share my deepest secrets along with some uncommon stories that are purely life-changing.

By watching only a single lesson from one course, you will erase the patterns of brokenness to live a life of Love and peace, all in just a few hours.

The most important relationship you have is with yourself

Sit in this truth for just a moment. Let it sink in.

The more you grow in self-Love, the more peace and confidence you have with yourself.

Also, the stronger and more healthy your relationships with others will be. The more successful you are in your career and professional life. The more connected you feel to God.

Love is the key to truly having your heart’s desire. Love is the fuel that makes for real happiness and success. We all want Love but we’re not taught how to give it to ourselves.

You can change that now by learning how Growth Farming works.