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How To Escape Seeking Validation

How To Escape Seeking Validation

Escape seeking validation from anyone else and just focus on yourself. Think about you. Right now. Just you. Is the first thing that you naturally think about something that you don’t like? Is it something about yourself that you want to change? Maybe you...
The Literal Key To Getting Unstuck

The Literal Key To Getting Unstuck

Photo by Steve Harvey on Unsplash Do you ever just feel stuck? Like you don’t know what you’re supposed to do or how to move forward with your life? When you feel this way it’s hard to find the key to getting unstuck. I completely know...

You Make Or Break Your Life By Saying No

Photo by Andy T on Unsplash There’s a word you have been telling yourself, almost from birth. It might have been one of the first words you heard as a child other than your name.  Other than when your parents repeated “Mommy” and “Daddy” to you to...
The Intersection Of Trust And True Love

The Intersection Of Trust And True Love

In relationships, we all deal with issues that sometimes aren’t clearly defined that impact the trust we have in ourselves and in others. There is an intersection of Trust and True Love. They go together. They’re linked and they must be carefully tended...