Derek Webb, musician and founder of Noisetrade.com
Networking and relationship building are both big values and core principles that I live by in everything I do. It turns out that Derek Webb shares those values and principles. It’s what he’s used for all of his music career, going back to his days playing guitar with Caedmon’s Call in the 1990s to what he does now as a solo musician. Relationships matter. Make that a priority to see real success.
It was a relationship that connected me to Derek Webb. I’ve been a fan of his music for a long time. His song “Better Than Wine” was one of the themes of my wedding in 2005. I thought it would be a long while before I’d be able to get him on the podcast…..and then came Chandler Coyle. Chandler is a networking and relationship building jedi. His past episode of the DIY Artist Route Podcast is a must-listen. He’s also a really kickass dude and I thank him for making the intro.
How Noisetrade is a reason to pay closer attention
Noisetrade.com is a fantastic resource for musicians and authors. They’re entering into a new realm now having been recently acquired by PledgeMusic, completing the cycle for connections with this podcast (Benji Rogers is the founder of PledgeMusic). Derek founded Noisetrade over a decade ago as a way to utilize what had been working for him in growing his audience and music career: giving away his songs and urging his fans to share his music.
Essentially, the opposite of Lars Ulrich’s (Metallica) stance on piracy is what Derek advocates. Remember when Lars was super up-in-arms about how music piracy was going to destroy the industry? Derek Webb didn’t have that experience. That’s why he’s “Bizzaro Lars.”
For DIY musicians, free music is on big path forward. But there is a science to this that goes beyond just giving music away. It’s about connection and about data. That’s inside this episode as Derek shares the story behind Noisetrade and behind how to use the free music giveaway work for you.
Derek Webb shares his story that helps us all grow
There is a lot more here than just music insights. There are references to how to use relationship building and networking to your advantage. And there’s talk about The DIY Musician’s Radio Handbook, which is available as a sampler on Noisetrade now. Get it here.
What stood out the most in this conversation with Derek Webb? How would you like to better use free music and the data on your audience to build your career? Reach out to me and let’s talk.
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