by D Grant Smith | Sep 28, 2015 | Blog, Indie Music Resources
When you begin something new, you’re always on the lookout for keys to make “the new” work better and grow. That’s inherent to the process of creating and building. Once you’ve been doing something for a while, you amend your processes to...
by D Grant Smith | Sep 21, 2015 | Blog
I’ve noticed that our dreams aren’t always permanent things. They can change. Dreams changing shape or mutating into new things is good, not something that should make you nervous. I’ve heard people say with alarm, “But I used to want to do this thing with all my...
by D Grant Smith | Sep 10, 2015 | Blog, Uncategorized
Which would you rather build, a community OR an empire? Essentially that’s the distinction you have to determine as you set out to build anything. That can be anything: our own business or enterprise, entrepreneurial platform, nonprofit organization. Yes, even...
by D Grant Smith | Sep 7, 2015 | Blog, Community Building, DIY Artist Route Podcast
The DIY Artist Route & You series continues with a colleague who I’m becoming better associated and friends with, Liza Wisner. Liza is an amazing and passionate entrepreneur with a heart for helping to build strong communities where education and opportunity...
by D Grant Smith | Aug 24, 2015 | Blog, Growth Farming
Boxing is a subject I reference a lot because there are many great insights that can be taken from it to apply to life, business, and personal development. You may not be a fan of the sport. That’s fine. But key in on these insights and strategies to learn how...
by D Grant Smith | Aug 18, 2015 | Blog
What is leadership? This notion of what it means to truly lead has been something I’ve dissected, discussed, studied and contemplated for many years. The older I get, and the more I experience good and bad leaders, the more I understand about how leadership...
by D Grant Smith | Aug 14, 2015 | Blog, Uncategorized
Before you reach 1,000,000 fans, you have to reach 1,000. To get 1,000 fans, you need a core audience. Do you know who your core audience is? If you go to the gym and lift only for your arms or legs, there’s a good chance you’ll injure your core muscle...
by D Grant Smith | Aug 13, 2015 | Blog, DIY Artist Route Podcast
“Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.” -Lao Tzu The DIY Artist Route & You Series continues, now in its 4th episode, in a special conversation with Matthew Belair. Matthew is a sports psychology expert and founder of Zen...
by D Grant Smith | Aug 10, 2015 | Blog, Uncategorized
Let me shoot you straight-when it comes to height and weight I’m a little dude. I might be taller than Bruno Mars or Prince (who is apparently 5’2″) but body size and weight are actually big deals to guys as much as girls. This can lead to confidence...
by D Grant Smith | Aug 6, 2015 | Blog, Community Building, Rising Bands To Take Note Of
I’ve known the name Amanda Palmer for several years. I’ve known some of the music of Amanda Palmer for about the same amount of time. But after viewing her Ted Talk from 2013, I had to read her book The Art of Asking: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Let...