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How Bruce Lee Became Great Using The Power Of Self-Concept

Neville Goddard introduced the world to the power of self-concept. But he never did anything with martial arts. Bruce Lee was the greatest martial artist of all time. And it was Bruce's concept of self that transformed him into the martial arts legend we all know. So...

How To Improve Your Results As A Coach Wanting More Clients

If you're a coach or in the service industry and you want to improve your results, let me ask you a question. What does it feel like to be a deer during hunting season? Wait...what are you talking about dude? Maybe you've had this experience... You receive a...

How To Unlock The Magic & Grow Your Business With Powerful Storytelling

To grow your business, you need customers. But why would customers buy from you? It doesn't matter what it is (offering tangible/intangible products and services), there's an underlying motive behind every customer's decision-making. As much as you may think it's...
Cultivating Peace Of Mind Is A Practiced Art

Cultivating Peace Of Mind Is A Practiced Art

Your heart and mind are a garden. What you plant in yourself through your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings is what you’ll produce through your life. This happens through your attitudes, actions and behaviors. Plant and grow Love inside of you. It's what makes...

How To Grow When Friends Hold You Back

How To Grow When Friends Hold You Back

Is it possible to grow if those same friends hold you back? We spend our youth and adulthood finding our people. Or trying to. It’s our desire to have people in our lives who push us to do our best. This is how you level up and become the best version of yourself. ...

Embracing Your Be Is The Key To Happiness

Embracing Your Be Is The Key To Happiness

Who you are is more than your career. You are more than the roles you serve in, such as being a parent or a student or your role in your job. What you DO is different than who you are. Yet our culture and society has conditioned you to see yourself separate from the...

Balancing Your BE With DO Is Key To A Fulfilled Life

Here's an invitation to just BE for a moment. Be present right here in this space, wherever you are physically and geographically. There's peace here. You can do the rest of your list in a moment. Why am I talking about BE? And what the heck does that even mean? In...

Ready to Transform the Way You Grow?

Head over to where you will find my transformational stories, metamorphic courses and a community of likeminded people ready to grow with you.